Meet Designer Stylist Model
Emily Gurr
Tell us about your journey in the fashion industry?
It’s been a ride! I began modelling around the age of 16. I then started studying architecture at UQ before swapping in a Bachelor of Fashion and Business Marketing. Once I finished that I did a few odd internships in buying, styling and design before moving to Bali to run an ethical factory where we managed 10 Indonesian staff, executing different brands sampling and production. This is where I probably learnt the most and set me up with a very diverse skillset in design and production. At the beginning on this year I then launched my own line called JACKLYN, this is when I felt I gained the most autonomy in the industry. I love a challenge and I love to learn new things so my progression through the industry really represents that, as I have such a passion for the design process and understanding its entirety.
So how long have you been modelling for?
I started at about 16 so nearly 10 years! Oldie
What have you seen change in the industry?
I think consumers are demanding a lot more from brands. The consumer voice is a lot louder. I think we are finally seeing a shift to conscious consumerism. It’s good to see people holding brands accountable for their responsibility and sustainability practices. Fast fashion has slowly started to lose its popularity which a a very encouraging thing.

When we shot, you talked about how fit and healthy you are feeling these days and your previous illnesses, and the impact you felt you had with your posting. What do you think about body image and social media?
Oooo this is a big question that I haven’t touched on much before but I have had a lot of health issues when I was younger, I contracted a very severe strain of dengue which took me years to recover from. I was soo thin. Along with other hereditary issues which all contributed to my fluctuating weight. I’ve finally found a good balance with it all. I move my body very regularly and try to eat a healthy as I can without being too hard on myself. I was modelling at a time where thinspo was so heavily on trend and I think being in and out of clothes, photographed from every angle and being in the public eye 24/7 was tolling for a young woman. I think the industry has shifted and come so far in the sense of body and cultural diversity which is also very encouraging. I think social media can be dangerous for young girls and comparison. I think it’s very important to understand instagram and photoshoots are not the whole picture (it is the filtered version of peoples lives) and to keep everything in perspective. Again it’s balance and trying to be kind to your body and self as if it’s your best friend. I think a happy and confident person is much more attractive. Keep doing you!

You launched a brand JACKLYN during Covid! Tell us about that from a business perspective…
Yes timing was not necessarily on my side however I think you have to just deal with what you’re dealt with. I wouldn’t change anything as everything happens for a reason as long as you adapt and learn from it. Covid gave me more time to reflect and refine. It made me look within the values of why I launched JACKLYN and gave me the time to realise what I was creating and putting out there was never meant to be a quick success story, it became about trying the best to continue to do the right thing. I started to adapt by producing and isolating the infrastructure of the business to be local. To start producing in Sydney and supporting local pattern makers, cutters and tailors. My supply chain has become even more transparent and small. From a business perspective it’s not the most profitable model and it’s definitely added a few more headaches to the mix but the hard work has made me proud and more aligned with my purpose in starting this passion project of mine.
And who is the JACKLYN woman, what is the ethos behind the brand?
JACKLYN is a lifestyle, it acts to forester a community of strong women who have found what they are suited for and embody a sense of wholeheartedness. They are not afraid to be vulnerable and are unapologetically themselves. It is about nurturing a sense of self and exploration, helping other women find their path and continue to grow and learn. It is about consciously co-creating and collaborating. The pieces are there to be worn but what is done and felt when wearing those pieces is created by the individual, making one person’s possessions unique from another’s.
The name Jacklyn was derived from my mums middle name and both my grandfathers names were Jack. The brand is very family orientated and influenced. I learned a lot about taking care of high quality pieces from my mum and my grandparents. I wanted to take part in the movement in slow and responsible fashion design and production.
What was your fave Spell piece to shoot?
The yellow outfit!
Bonnie Organic Rib Top and Midi Skirt
We have been working with you forever.. I remember shooting you at my first Splendour shooting for Spell! What has been your favourite festival look over the years?
Hahah! I know! What a journey it’s been. Makes me miss live music!
I think it would have to be that gorgeous bird robe with the high knee black boots from Spell. So fun and easy to run around in all day.
What is your go-to beauty product?
Water and sunscreen especially the Ultra Violette SPF 50+ Screen Queen! But also different natural face oils. I have rather normal skin and I’m lucky I don’t break out from oils but for me they keep my skin dewy and moisturised, giving that glow.

With love to Emily Gurr
Follow more at Studio Jacklyn
Captured by Mel Carrero